Clinique Médicale et Esthétique "Labelle"



How to treat varicose veins without surgery? How to treat spider veins? How to remove the veins from your body?
See it in the video below!

SUPERFICIAL VARICOSITIES – advanced treatment technologies and specialist recommendations

This video production is part of a series of informative capsules produced by medical specialists at the “Labelle” Aesthetic Medical Clinic.
Presentation by Dr. Veronika Kivenko, MD
Collaborator and nurse: Yelena Aharon
Video design and production: Viorel Margineanu
XEO Laser Partner: Cutera
WATCH THE VIDEO (click on the image):

“Labelle” medical and aesthetic clinic
Mob: 514-516-6624 / Tel: 514-933-7014
400 Boulevard du Curé-Labelle, Laval, QC H7V 2S7 (suite 302)
Facebook/Instagram: @cliniquemedestlabelle