Clinique Médicale et Esthétique "Labelle"


Lip Augmentation – Lip Injections – Treatment in Laval and Greater Montreal Area

Lip augmentation is a procedure that involves increasing the size and changing the shape of the lips to make them fuller. One of the most common ways to augment lips is by injecting fillers, such as hyaluronic acid, into specific areas of the lips to give them volume and definition.

Lip augmentation by injection of fillers is a popular procedure to give more volume to the lips. The most common fillers used for this procedure are based on hyaluronic acid, a complex sugar already present in the human body. Unlike botulinum toxin injections, which relax the muscles to soften the features, fillers restore the convexity of facial lines, all with a natural-looking result. Hyaluronic acid is the most used filler in the world to increase the volume of the lips and allows to have soft and natural lips after the intervention. Injections can be adapted and personalized according to individual age and needs, with a different approach for young lips and aging lips.

At the LABELLE clinic, these services are offered by the best specialists in aesthetic medicine in the greater Montreal area. Our doctors have extensive experience as professionals in aesthetic medicine and have specialized certificates, specially qualified for aesthetic treatments of the face and body.


Lip augmentation is considered a safe and quick procedure with few side effects. However, it is important to choose an experienced doctor to perform this procedure, in order to obtain a natural and harmonious result with the morphology of your mouth. If you are interested in this procedure, we suggest that you make an appointment with a specialist doctor to discuss your options and expectations.

Lip augmentation - lip injections - treatment in Laval and greater Montreal - results before and after the lip augmentation procedure


The results of lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid injection are usually visible immediately after the procedure. However, it is important to note that the lips may be slightly swollen after the procedure, and it may take 24 hours for the swelling to subside and the lips to regain their normal appearance.

It is possible to obtain more defined and fuller lips or simply to regain the natural volume of the lips lost with age in both men and women. Lip augmentation can be combined with DYsport or Botox injections.

After the lip augmentation procedure, it is important to follow your practitioner’s instructions to ensure a smooth recovery and optimal results.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us for advice.

Dermal fillers - Restore volume to cheeks and lips - Smooth lines and wrinkles around the mouth, nose, and forehead - Improve facial contours and symmetry - Correct hollows under the eyes


Over the years there is a gradual decrease in the natural volume of the face. This decrease is associated with thinning of the epidermis, skin atrophy and loss of elastic tissue. Due to these changes, the skin becomes less hydrated, thinner, dry and fragile. Products containing hyaluronic acid, a powerful hydrating molecule, not only hydrate the skin, but are also very effective in giving it volume and hold. Injections of fillers may improve and rejuvenate certain areas.

Areas to be treated


Being a biosynthetic product, hyaluronic acid generally does not cause allergic reactions. In the immediate injection area, patients may experience mild redness, swelling, or small bruising. Other potential side effects will be explained by the doctor depending on the type of procedure.


Before the procedure, the doctor will discuss with the patient the problem areas to be treated and the treatment plan that the person being treated will need to approve. Taking photographs before and after the procedure is a helpful step. Once the treatment has been administered, it is recommended to avoid exposure to the sun, intense sports training and extreme cold. Depending on the product and the individual reaction, an optimal effect may be maintained for a period of six to twelve months.


There are several techniques for performing lip augmentation. One of them is to use a cannula to inject the filler under the skin. This technique makes it possible to work fragile anatomical areas such as the temples, cheekbones or lips with a single entry point, without pain or bruising. Another technique is to use a needle to inject the filler. This technique is more painful than the technique with the cannula, but it makes it easier to inject regions that are less accessible to the cannulas and to make “boluses”.

Hyaluronic acid is the most widely used filler in the world to increase lip volume. Unlike collagen, which was used several years ago, hyaluronic acid makes it possible to have soft and natural lips after the procedure. Very easy to dose, hyaluronic acid can be injected in larger quantities on the right or left depending on the case, in order to obtain the desired symmetry.

Lip injections can have several benefits, such as increasing the volume of the lips while respecting their natural shape, rehydrating the lips (one of the first effects of aging), correcting an asymmetry (for example the upper lip which is thinner than the lower lip), and redefine the lip contour for a more harmonious effect. However, it is important to keep in mind that the physiognomy of the face must be respected at all times so that the result is consistent and balanced.


The effect of lip augmentation by injection of hyaluronic acid generally lasts nine to fifteen months. However, the exact duration may vary depending on several factors, such as the type and quantity of products used, as well as the individual characteristics of each patient. If you would like to learn more about this procedure and the results you can achieve, we suggest that you make an appointment with a specialist doctor to discuss your options and expectations.


The cost of the lip augmentation procedure varies depending on several factors, such as the type and amount of products used, as well as the individual characteristics of each patient. The price per syringe is generally between $500 and $800 + taxes. However, it is important to note that these prices are indicative only and may vary depending on the needs and expectations of each patient. If you would like to know more about this procedure and the associated costs, we suggest that you make an appointment with a specialist doctor to discuss your options and expectations.


The effect of lip augmentation by injection of hyaluronic acid generally lasts nine to fifteen months. However, the exact duration may vary depending on several factors, such as the type and quantity of products used, as well as the individual characteristics of each patient. If you would like to learn more about this procedure and the results you can achieve, we suggest that you make an appointment with a specialist doctor to discuss your options and expectations.


It is important to take care of your lips after an augmentation procedure to maintain their beauty and health. Here are some tips for caring for your lips after an augmentation procedure:

fillers dermiques - Restaurer le volume des joues et des lèvres - Lisser les rides et les ridules autour de la bouche, du nez, et du front - Améliorer les contours et la symétrie du visage - Corriger les creux sous les yeux

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