Clinique Médicale et Esthétique "Labelle"


Private medicine

Laval Medical Clinic, Minor Emergency Laval - Walk-in Clinic Montreal - Quick Consultation Laval - Medical Care Laval - Local Practitioners Laval

Same day doctor appointment. Find a doctor by “Walk-in clinic” at Clinique LABELLE, Laval and Montreal area

LABELLE Medical Aesthetic Clinic offers the “walk-in clinic” service, according to the traditional directory, with an emphasis on the following types of care: Taking Charge Complete health check-up Medical examination SAAQ Minor Emergency Migraines and headaches Minor surgeries Ask for your appointment The advantages of the “Walk-in Clinic” at Clinique LABELLE, Laval and the Montreal …

Same day doctor appointment. Find a doctor by “Walk-in clinic” at Clinique LABELLE, Laval and Montreal area Read More »

Telemedicine is a method of remote medical consultation that allows patients to receive medical care from a distance. It offers easier and more convenient access to health services, especially for people living in remote areas or who have difficulty traveling.

Telemedicine – how does it work at Clinique Labelle?

Virtual consultations Telemedicine is a method of remote medical consultation that allows patients to receive medical care from a distance. It offers easier and more convenient access to health services, especially for people living in remote areas or who have difficulty traveling. Services offered by telemedicine at Clinique Labelle: Clinique Labelle offers virtual consultations with …

Telemedicine – how does it work at Clinique Labelle? Read More »

Reduced Pigment & Skin Revitalization with our high performance technology

Reduced Pigment & Skin Revitalization – Testimonial

Reduced Pigment & Skin Revitalization with our high performance technology: Picosure Laser Patient Testimonial Don’t miss this incredible opportunity and book your appointment today! “Labelle” medical and aesthetic clinic Mob: 514-516-6624 / Tel: 514-933-7014 400 Boulevard du Curé-Labelle, Laval, QC H7V 2S7 (suite 302)


BEST TREATMENT FOR YOUR MELASMA Have you noticed any discoloration or multiple dark spots on your face? Most of you have those dark brown pigment spots on your cheeks, chin, upper lip, nose, forehead… You may be one of many people with a condition called melasma. Luckily for you, several options exist to help you …