Clinique Médicale et Esthétique "Labelle"


Month: April 2023

Telemedicine is a method of remote medical consultation that allows patients to receive medical care from a distance. It offers easier and more convenient access to health services, especially for people living in remote areas or who have difficulty traveling.

Telemedicine – how does it work at Clinique Labelle?

Virtual consultations Telemedicine is a method of remote medical consultation that allows patients to receive medical care from a distance. It offers easier and more convenient access to health services, especially for people living in remote areas or who have difficulty traveling. Services offered by telemedicine at Clinique Labelle: Clinique Labelle offers virtual consultations with …

Telemedicine – how does it work at Clinique Labelle? Read More »

Labelle Clinic offers an innovative treatment for migraines, consisting of consultations and neuromodulator injections. This method has been used to treat thousands of patients with chronic migraine and has shown significant improvement in symptoms in many patients.

Innovative treatment for migraine with neuromodulator injections

Labelle Clinic offers an innovative treatment for migraines, consisting of consultations and neuromodulator injections. This method has been used to treat thousands of patients with chronic migraine and has shown significant improvement in symptoms in many patients. The treatment begins with a consultation with a doctor specialized in migraine treatment. The doctor will review the …

Innovative treatment for migraine with neuromodulator injections Read More »

TESTIMONIALS on the treatment of urinary incontinence with the innovative BTL EmsellaTM technology

TESTIMONIALS on the treatment of urinary incontinence

TESTIMONIALS on the treatment of urinary incontinence with the innovative BTL EmsellaTM technology Urinary incontinence is a common disorder in women and men of all ages. Several factors contribute to it, including pregnancy, childbirth, aging, menopause, prostate surgery, and other medical conditions. BTL EmsellaTM is a Health Canada approved non-invasive therapeutic device that is used …

TESTIMONIALS on the treatment of urinary incontinence Read More »