Clinique Médicale et Esthétique "Labelle"


Meet our dietician-nutritionist Ms. Hebah Asfour

Member of the Order of Dietitians Nutritionists of Quebec (ODNQ), Ms. Asfour is a professional graduate from the University of Montreal, speaker and blogger, who has been practicing since 2013.
Attached in recent years to Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital, she intervenes in this context more specifically in nephrology, since clinical nutrition plays a role in the prevention and management of kidney disease. Its expertise allows it, among other things, to offer solutions for weight control or diabetes. In addition, it can also meet the needs of people suffering from high blood pressure or cardiovascular disease or, even, help women to better live their pregnancy and breastfeeding.
We remind you of the procedures for accessing the private medical services offered by the specialists at our clinic:
– When you use our professional care, you will have to pay the cost of the services provided by our specialists. Your expenses will not be reimbursed by the RAMQ. You will receive a receipt for your tax return.
– The health insurance card is not accepted. But, the majority of our costs are reimbursable by your private insurance.
– Generally, a consultation aims to treat a single problem. Consequently, just as you present your RAMQ card to the public system each time you consult, you are billed a fee each time you have to meet a doctor at our clinic (whether for a follow-up, a reassessment, an adjustment or a medication check, even if the reason for your consultation remains the same).
Our private medicine services:
-Family Medicine
-Cosmetic surgery
-Women’s medicine
-Minor emergencies
-Blood test (Biron)
– “Walk-in” service
Clinique médicale et esthétique « Labelle »
Mob: 514-516-6624 / Tél: 514-933-7014
400 Bd du Curé-Labelle, Laval, QC H7V 2S7 (suite 302)